Editorial - Special edition of NADAR! magazine addresses nutrition and supplementation with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach

Special edition of NADAR! magazine addresses nutrition and supplementation with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach

Figure. Front cover of NADAR! 166-A. (a)

Special edition of NADAR! magazine addresses nutrition and supplementation with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach

Paulo Franco Rosa NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE Publisher

Keywords: magazine, sports, nutrition, swimming, supplementation




The literature addressing the subject of nutrition and supplementation aimed at athletes is extensive, even for swimmers, but there is a lack of specialized volumes in the area of swimming and even more water sports in general, special issues that address the varied scope covered by the subject at the same time. The special edition of NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE 166-A (supplement to volume 3 of 2023) seeks to gather a necessary tool to understand new theories, develop theses and outline the state of the art of such an important subject; all in a single "copy".


The issue of NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE supplementary to number 166, called 166 - A (1) (Figure) addresses a much sought-after topic, as we explain later, not in order to exhaust the subject, but at least to organize in a relevant way the main aspects of the subject of nutrition and supplementation in aquatic sports, especially in swimming, but without ceasing to advance in some related areas, collaborating with scientific dissemination in Brazil and in the world.

Although the extension of articles approaching the subjects of swimming nutrition is extensive in Google Scholar (1986-2023), with almost 19 thousand results using the keywords "swimming nutrition", there are not many special or supplementary editions approaching the subject with exclusivity.

For this special edition, searches and reviews in PubMed - MDPI (1996-2023) using the keywords "swimming nutrition" and in ARCHIVE NADAR! (https://revistanadar.com/arquivos-nadar.php) using the keyword "nutrition"; which dealt with nutritional education and athletes' habits, until reaching the challenges of supplementation and the risks of doping, while addressing various dietary problems that afflict athletes of the most varied levels of competence or even non-athletes.

Topics were also selected based on their popularity, that is, with millions of results for searches on Google, using, for example, the entries "swimming hungry" with more than 70 million results and "swimming appetite" with more than 20 million results, in addition to of searches with more elaborate phrases like "female swimmers eating disorder", which deliver more than 5 million results! Based on popular themes, a new selection of articles was made.

The articles were initially distributed - due to the return of open access material and receptions from the CFP - call for papers - among the journal sections (2) named: a) Free article, b) Portuguese version, c) Digital version and d ) Official announcements.

In the light paper section, brief articles presenting descriptive or retrospective studies, which suggest the realization of deeper researches on the treated subject, were selected. In the Portuguese versions section - above all to increase thematic editions and provide access to the Portuguese-speaking community to translations of relevant works into Portuguese - a reasonable number of articles were chosen by the editors. And aiming at the dissemination and propagation of relevant research, articles originally published in physical support were approved to undergo a recovery process for this edition. Finally, the official announcements section had at least one document assessed by our editorial board as relevant to the scope of this special issue.

The online format allows this type of publication to receive articles continuously, throughout the period of the CFP - Call for papers. According to the editors, the format of continuous publication via the Internet speeds up the time for making the contents available, allowing the rapid advancement of discussions on topics that would remain in print for a long time.


Light paper articles try to understand why appetite and food intake increase after swimming in both sexes; and review the literature about nutritional disorders in athletes of different modalities, highlighting the percentage of 21 to 45% of high-level female competitive swimmers who have eating disorders.

The Portuguese-speaking community, on the other hand, will be able to enjoy a group of articles published for the first time in Portuguese, addressing nutrition education (studies suggest that a dietary education intervention can positively influence knowledge in sports nutrition of swimmers), supplementation, doping, triathlon and open water and childhood obesity problems.

For the digital version, an article was selected that could not lose yourself in the print format "which was already turning yellow" from 3 decades ago, dealing with food X supplementation, making a very current alert that a large part of swimmers and athletes of our time are concerned in discovering dietary supplements capable of developing potency and endurance, ignoring the fact that such improvements are achieved only through adequate preparation.

The government reports section brings a complete edition of a specialized magazine edited by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services, addressing Sports Nutrition for seniors and master athletes.


Future studies will illuminate specific nutritional needs and the success of alternative therapies or supplementation for swimmers of all levels and ages. However, "armed" with this special issue of NADAR! magazine, health and physical activity professionals will be prepared to advise athletes on nutrition strategies that will improve athletic performance towards a promising future and from staying in the game to veteran levels.


(1) 2023: NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE - VOLUME 3 ONLINE - Nº. 166-A | NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE - Periódico científico em esportes e fitness aquático - natação, pólo aquático, nado sincronizado, saltos ornamentais, travessias aquáticas [Internet]. revistanadar.com.br. [cited 2023 Aug 1]. Available from: https://revistanadar.com.br/index.php/Swimming-Magazine/issue/view/10

(2) Submissões | NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE - Periódico científico em esportes e fitness aquático - natação, pólo aquático, nado sincronizado, saltos ornamentais, travessias aquáticas [Internet]. revistanadar.com.br. [cited 2023 Aug 1]. Available from: https://revistanadar.com.br/index.php/Swimming-Magazine/about/submissions


(a)IMAGES: Boy at the swimming pool with citrus by Freepik - Portrait of beautiful sexy smiling woman in summer swimwear bathing suits by by halayalex on Freepik - Side view of male swimmer drinking water to stay hydrated by Freepik

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